Property Profile Test

Tell us about your property

Thank you for your interest in Rentals in SF. Below is an online property profile to fill out. Please fill it out completely as the terms are used for marketing and lease documentation.

Jackie will contact you to get better understanding of your situation. Rentals in SF is committed to our landlords and want to provide top-notch service. Our aim is to exceed your expectations in finding a qualified tenant for your property in the most efficient way possible.

In the meantime, If you have any questions about Rentals in SF or how our process works, feel free to contact Jackie directly at 415-699-3263. We look forward to working with you.

To best represent your rental unit and to provide the smoothest transaction, we need some information. Please fill out the following forms, and if you need any advice on a certain item, choose the “please advise” option or write in “please advise”.

Your Property

Please start to type into the boxes below, you may pick from our suggestions or provide your own answers by pressing return after typing in your entry.

Apartment, Condo, TiC, Garden Apartment?
Ground Level, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Top floor, House

If it is a condo or TIC please email the CC&R’s plus any bylaws or house rules, that are related to the condo unit and property, or the TIC Partnership Agreement docs.

Is this building exempt from AB1482 (statewide rent control)?
Security System, Gym, Other Amenities

The Terms

This is very important to because we use your answers to these questions to write up the lease. Please take your time to answer thoroughly.  We have tried to suggest common industry standard answers where possible, if you are not sure please write “Please Advise”.

Days before a rent payment is considered late.
5% is standard
What do you charge for a lockout?
We recommend a No Smoking policy.
Only pre-1978 buildings. If yes, please provide reports.
Only pre-1978 buildings. If yes, please provide reports.

Landlord Information

Full Legal Name

If different than landlord, such as an entity name like company name or trust

Thank you for taking the time to give us all this information. Upon closing we will have a check for you. Please indicate how you you like the closing fees delivered.  If you bank with Wells Fargo, First Republic Bank, Chase or Bank of America we offer a direct bank deposit service. (this is the most secure form of delivery since it is not subject to getting lost in the mail.)  We can also mail it to your mailing address.